Do You Sail The Long Island Sound?
Some Sound Facts
Many people around the northeast area sail or navigate the waters of the Long Island Sound. There are many facts about the Sound that you may not realize.

Did you know.....
The Long Island Sound is 21 miles wide at its widest point and 113 miles long.
It holds approximately 18 trillion gallons of water.
It’s an estuary — a place where fresh and salt water mix.
The Sound’s surface water area is 1300 square miles.
The salt water in the Sound comes from the Atlantic Ocean.
90% of the Sound’s freshwater comes from three Connecticut rivers: the Thames, the Housatonic and the Connecticut.
The depth of the water in the Long Island Sound averages 63 feet deep.
The Sound’s maximum depth is 320 feet at the Race.
There are four tides daily — two highs, two lows.